Sometimes, especially after changing screen size or switching from laptop to monitor screens, some HAB windows will instantly minimize and won't let you pull them back up.

To fix this, there are several places in HAB that you can try to use the "Reset Window Sizings" button.

The first place is in the main HAB Encompass window, under the "Setup" tab you will find a "Reset Window Sizings" button. This will let you reset windows for several HAB modules.

For some modules like winFAM, winWORK, and winTAR, the "Reset Window Sizings" button is in the main tab of the module itself. 

If you don't know which place to reset the window, look at the minimized window tab in the taskbar at the bottom of your screen. The icon shown in the minimized window's tab will show you what module it lives under. 

It's often necessary to close out of all other windows and either reset from the main encompass window or from a fresh module window. Sometimes you will need to use the Task Manager (ctrl+alt+delete and select "Task Manager" or right click on the taskbar at the bottom of your screen and click "Task Manager") to force the windows to close if they are stuck.

You can always reach out to IT for help if you can't locate where to reset your window.