To merge PDFs you will need Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer, which requires a license. Ask your manager if you don't already have access.
If you have Adobe Acrobat installed,
For Faxes or other emails with attachments that you want both the email and the attachments as one PDF, you need to navigate in Outlook to File -> Print -> Print Options and check the box for “Print attached files”.
Then make sure the printer is set to PDF Creator and hit print. This will open up two different PDFs in separate tabs within the same Adobe Acrobat window.
(The following steps will be the same for any multiple documents you want to merge. You only need the previous part if you are wanting to merge emails with attachments.)
Next, find and click the “Combine Files” button on the right hand side in Acrobat.
Then, if you have the files open already in Acrobat in separate tabs like I demonstrated for the emails, simply click “Add Open Files” ,
And then “Add Files”.
Then, you can either add more files that you didn’t already have open (if you need to add anything) by clicking the “Add Files” button at the top
Or, when you are done, make sure they are in the correct order you want (you can drag them around) and then click “Combine”
Then it will open the newly combined PDF. From there you can file directly into Filevision or save the combined PDF if you need to do something else with it.