If you are getting an "Out of Memory" error or a client document is loading really slowly, freezing up your Filevision, the file might just have been too large when it was put into Filevision. To shrink it, you'll need to follow these steps:
- Right click and Export the file to your Downloads folder (this is the only folder not backed up by OneDrive and we don't want client documents getting into OneDrive). It will take a minute after you click export, but it will pop up a message when it is actually done.
- Open the file in Adobe and then immediately print to Adobe PDF, make sure "Shrink oversized pages" is checked and uncheck the "Choose paper source by PDF page size" box. Make sure it says "8.5 x 11 inches" over above the preview on the right and print.
- Make sure to save this new copy in the Downloads again, click the original and then add a " - 2" to the name (or whatever really) and hit save. THIS WILL BE VERY SLOW!
- File back into Filevision and delete the original